Dr. Scott Kuiper Develops New Generation Rotator Cuff Repair System With Biomet Sports Medicine Shoulder Team
Aug 22, 2019Scott D. Kuiper, M.D.
Dr. Kuiper was chosen to be on the Biomet Sports Medicine Shoulder Design and Development Team to help bring new advanced technology to the market for rotator cuff and labral repairs in the shoulder.
The Biomet 2.9 JuggerKnotTM Anchor was designed to avoid these problems. The JuggerKnotTM is an all suture device that requires a smaller drill hole, yet has the same strength as a larger threaded anchor. It is radiolucent (invisible on x-ray) and does not absorb (leave a defect in the bone).
The results using the new 2.9 JuggerKnotTM anchor system have been highly successful and will benefit not only the elite athlete but also any pa-tient in need of a rotator cuff or labral repair.
Figure below is the 2.9 JuggerKnotTM Anchor
Dr. Kuiper has been working hard to help develop a new system for arthroscopic shoulder repair with Biomet Sports Medicine. “The previous systems developed by other companies did not have the flexibility or reliability for the complex rotator cuff and labral repairs being done at Louisville Orthopedic Clinic,” Kuiper said. These issues were discussed with the Biomet Sports medicine engineers so that a new system could be developed to address the shortcomings of the old devices.
We first improved the ByPassTM device, a suture passer used to pass free suture across tendon. A Speed PassTM device was developed to repair tendon to tendon (side to side repairs).
Next, The PEEK OptimaTM anchor was created to complement the ALLThreadTM family of suture anchors. PEEK is a high-density medical grade plastic that gives the surgeon an additional choice of material for anchor construction. PEEK is invisible to X-ray and does not absorb. Rather, it retains its strength in bone.
The final phase of development has been the creation of the all suture 2.9 Jugger- KnotTM anchor (see page one). Biomet Sports Medicine also invented a Knotless PEEK device for double row rotator cuff repairs giving surgeons even more options for performing the optimal repair for their patients.