What Does the Hip Replacement Recovery Process Involve?
If you’re considering hip replacement surgery, you’re probably curious about what the recovery period entails. This is understandable—while advancements in joint replacement surgery have reduced the invasiveness of the procedure, it is still a significant operation that requires some downtime. Let’s take a closer look at the hip replacement recovery process and what you can expect following surgery.
One to Two Days Following Surgery
You may start getting out of bed and moving around slowly with the assistance of a walker or crutches. You may also start to see a physical therapist who will help you strengthen the structures that support your hip joint. You can expect to stay in the hospital or surgery center for one to three days after surgery.
Three Days Following Surgery
Walking may start to become easier and you might be able to return home, depending on your overall health and how well your incisions are healing.
Four Days Following Surgery
You should start to need less pain medication and move around as much as you comfortably can to help reduce the risk of blood clots. It will also be important to keep your incisions clean and keep an eye out for potential complications.
Two Weeks Following Surgery
The staples will be removed from your incision around this point, which means you’ll be able to move around a little more freely and take a normal bath or shower again.
Three to Six Weeks Following Surgery
You’ll notice that movement will become more comfortable and you may not need a walker or crutches anymore.
12 Weeks Following Surgery
You should be able to perform daily activities with much less pain than you could prior to surgery.
It’s important to note that no two patients are the same and your recovery from hip replacement surgery probably won’t match the above timeline perfectly. To ensure a streamlined recovery, carefully follow your orthopedic surgeon’s guidance and promptly report any concerns you may have.
Louisville Orthopaedic Clinic is an independently owned orthopedic practice in the Louisville, Kentucky, area with physicians who specialize in hip replacement surgery and use the latest techniques to streamline recovery periods. To learn more about hip replacement, our expedited recovery process, and whether or not it may be right for you, contact us today.